Executive Director Becky Stacy and PD Manager “KT” attended last week’s Brushy Fork Leadership Institute at Berea College. The Institute is a Strategic Initiative designed to work to strengthen local and regional leadership in Central Appalachia for more than 34 years. It is based on the belief that local people should lead the development of […]
KAECE “RISE UP” Conference
The Annual KAECE Conference at Bluegrass Community and Technical College was held on September 24, 2022. Professional Development Manager, KT, AECN trainers, and one of Pulaski County’s new family child care home providers, Katie Doaner, were in attendance. Sessions were impactful and thought provoking, addressing the tough topic of social emotional needs of children and […]
Teacher Time is BACK!
Teacher Time is Back! What IS Teacher Time? It is a time when you can come to our Middlesboro Office/Training and Advocacy Center, and work on lesson plans, use our resource library and die cut machines, etc. Directors, if you would like to reserve our training room to meet with staff or use our resources […]
Partner Spotlight: Save the Children
Save the Children is an organization that has been in the United States since 1932 when it was founded in Harlan. Recently, Middlesboro School District received a grant from Save the Children to hire an Early Childhood Coordinator and a Kindergarten Readiness Ambassador. The Early Childhood Coordinator, Allison Hamlin, will work with expectant mothers and […]