Register For Training
AECN offers professional development that counts toward the Child Development Associate (CDA) and Commonwealth Child Care Credential (CCCC), as well as regulatory training hours.
Face to Face sessions listed below reflect the cost of attending face to face group settings that are scheduled and available. If you would like to schedule training sessions, please contact KT at
Featured Trainings
Sowing the Seeds of Influence: How Building Professional Relationships Empowers Our Work with Families and in Advocacy$36.00
Incorporating Math and Nature Into Your Preschool Learning Environment$36.00
Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles for Young Children… Eat Well, Play Hard!$24.00
Classroom Strategies for Working with Children and Families Who Are Experiencing Homelessness$36.00
What Our Scholars Say
“I learned to “look” instead of “watch” my children to gather information about their development areas & to use their interests and skills to better help them learn and stay focused.”
– completed “Utilizing Observation to prevent the labeling of children”
“The experience I had with this session is how much I can really further my career as a childcare worker.”
– completed “Answering the Call”
“This whole course was my ah ha moment. I can now organize my centers better and restock them with the information I have learned in mind, I will observe my children in their centers, better help them individually if needed, and I will engage with my children even more during center time.”
~Completed “The Role of Engagement in school readiness”
“As educators and the adults that a lot of these children spend the most time with, we need to make sure we are unbiased, loving, observant and positive as often as possible. We will do our best to provide adequate learning and care for each child’s individual needs.”
“My feelings have gotten stronger, and I learned more knowledge about how the parents might feel about expulsion. My goal is to seek more information regarding behavioral issues and to work harder with children with behavioral needs.”
– Completed ”Parent Advocacy for Children facing Expulsion”
“We need to see our students for who they are and give them the support they need.”
– completed “examining teacher culture and bias and their impact in classroom management”
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”
“This information has helped me understand what FAS is and how it effects the child and the family in many ways. I hope to be a comfort for someone who has a child with a disability and a better teacher to a child with special needs. ”
– COMPLETED “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders II”
“Thank You so Much! 😊 Ms. Karen, you have been a WONDERFUL instructor and I’m so glad that I was recommended to do my classes with Appalachian Early Childhood Network. I appreciate your positive feedback and helping me when I needed your assistance! 😊”
– completed “cda training hours”
I feel that I am a productive early childhood educator that has positive interactions with the children.
– completed “instant teacher, just add coffee”– completed “communicating with young infants”One “ah-ha’ was learning about playing music all day and during nap time. I love to play music for my class but learning that it interrupts their language learning I know now to give much needed breaks to help them learn others languages. Also learning that they are processing the music while sleeping will also be used in my classroom. My second “ah-ha” was the age infants could learn sign language. I have always assumed older like toddlers but it is amazing that an infant can be so amazing and pick it up.
Something I didn’t realize was that parents go through different emotions of grief & guilt when dealing with an allergy & that should be addressed by giving them the proper support they need
– completed “the challenges of food allergies”
This has been a great session; I know how important it is to advocate for a child, we have to be their voice, when they can’t. Just the overall theme of this session was great and helpful. I know that we have to research and get all the information so we can help the families.
– completed “helping families find their voice”
“Hello fellow coworkers, We are going to be touching on navigating challenging behaviors. Please remember that these children aren’t acting in a certain way to get under your skin or keep you up at night. They might just need to feel loved and safe while they are here in your presence, because they might not feel that way once they leave your classroom door.”
– completed “Navigating Challenging Behaviors”
“Knowledge +Passion= School & Professional Success for Children”
– completed “Using Community Helpers to Teach Non-Traditional Roles”
Our Vision
Families in Appalachia have access to quality affordable early care and education that leads to all children reaching their fullest potential.
Technical Assistance
AECN provides support to those interested in opening a family child care home. We have tools and resources to help you get started!
As part of the Family Child Care Network of Kentucky, AECN has two Family Child Care Specialists to serve the Cumberland and Eastern Mountain Regions! Tanya Lambert (Eastern Mountain) is currently serving the Cumberland Region until a Family Child Care Specialist is hired for that position. You can reach Tonya at